Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Peeps have landed

I didn't exactly plan to buy more chickens, but there they were, looking all cute & fluffy... Being totally unprepared, I had to put them in a box, with a jar of hot water to keep them warm, until I could set-up their little house. They loved that jar so much, they were pushing against it with all their strength. We have a little chicken house, that we use indoors to start chicks & move it outside when the babies are ready. My husband built it with a removable roof. So, when it's indoors, we put a chicken- wire frame on the top & add the roof later.

Once the peeps were moved into their now home, I opened the door & our border collie sat right down to keep watch over his new flock. Once I got the wire top on, the cat took his turn babysitting.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Recycler's Garden

I'm cheap. I admit it. So, when I was ready to get this garden started, I started in the recycling bin. I rescued sour cream cups, cut the bottoms off milk jugs & put them to good use. I had been saving the eggshells all winter. Once I collected my loot, I punched holes in the bottom of all the eggs & plastic containers (be sure to put a tray underneath). I filled everything with dirt, some water & planted the itty-bitty seeds. I covered everything with plastic & set it near a window to warm the soil Once the seeds have popped-up, you can remove the plastic. Just be sure to keep the soil damp. I planted about a thousand tomato, pepper, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, melon & pumpkin seeds. I know, I know "don't start melons". But, last year my melons grew about as big as grapes before frost hit. I had no choice. As long as you start them in something that you can easily "slip" them out of, they'll be ok. You just don't want to disrupt the roots. If they all die, you can say "I told ya so". Don't start the melons in eggshells, they're too small. You want at least a 4-cup container. But (so far) the eggshells are working great for tomatoes & peppers. Once it's time to put them in the garden, I'll just smoosh the shell a bit & plant the whole thing!