Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's got to be butter!

Many moons ago (or, it may have been last week. It's hard to remember at this age). Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I was shopping at Meijer (with my sister, but that's another story). Apparently, everyone else in the county had the same idea, because everything I wanted was sold-out! So, by the time I got to the shelf where the butter was not, I was losing my temper. I may have even sworn out loud. Pretty sure I did, since the Meijer dairy-man asked what was wrong. So, I told him "I just wanted the Meijer butter". I NEED butter. It would take a 12-step program to get me through one day without butter. So, Mr. amazing Meijer dairy-man calmly went to the back room, brought back a brand new box of butter, opened it & handed me 2 pounds of beautiful, prefect, Meijer butter. He must have been saving it just for me. I had to stop myself from doing a touchdown dance right there in the aisle. Instead, I politely said "thank you" & went on my way. But seriously, Mr. Meijer dairy-man, if you're reading this, you saved my day & you probably saved the other shoppers from limping through the store with cart marks on their backs.

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